Sunday, January 6, 2008

Huckabee highlights pro-life hypocrisy,1,7481717.story?ctrack=2&cset=true

Elliot Slosar's Los Angeles Times Editorial "Huckabee highlights pro-life hypocrisy" critiques the "pro-life" stance of Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, whose stance is complemented with a staunchly pro-death penalty position. Huckabee often speaks of the intrinsic worth of all human beings and their god-endowed right to life. However, his Presidential plank includes a strong support for the death penalty, under the banner of justice. Herein is the contradiction, and hypocrisy, of the pro-life stance of Mike Huckabee. Slosar writes of the hypocrisy of on one hand speaking of the inherent worth of human life, and on the other, justifying the killing of human beings on the grounds that their life is no longer as valuable.

Tone: critical

Application question: Is it truly hypocritical to be "pro-life" and for the death penalty?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Reflection on Guatemala....

Rustic buildings stoically face down the pompous glares of the privileged. They stand and serve their purpose in defiance of the rusty screws, the dilapidated components, and the awe that human beings can reside inside of them. The buildings fundamental indifference to all stands in direct contrast to the emotions they evoke in the "superior beings" upon the planet.
The people are a whole other story. The repression and exploitation etched into every wrinkle of indigenous women selling their cloths scream to the deepest chasms of the soul of the privileged. The sweat and dirt on the flesh of children of poverty reflect struggles that the privileged will never know.
Rustic buildings, sweat, dirt, wrinkles--things not considered "beautiful" in the arbiter of all that is aesthetically worthwhile, the American media, certainly do reveal beauties we have all forgotten about; beyond our privilege, we have solidarity with those without; beyond the superficial feigns of concern, there are feelings of deep sympathy; beyond the distance of our nations, we are all human; and those, are beautiful.