Tuesday, December 25, 2007

About tolerance, 2007

Author: NO name Given!

The Los Angeles Times editorial "About Tolerance, 2007" reflects upon a year full of religious and ethnic strife, while looking forward to the looming new year and the opportunities for progress and unity following a sustained global period of violence. The political squabble in the United States demonstrates that religion has become a political tool for undermining opponents--with Mike Huckabee's smearing of Mitt Romney's Mormonism serving as an example. Abroad, 2007 was a year of violence and suppression. In Iraq, the ethnic and religious divisions continue to ravage the country. In China, the Communist government has continued its assault on Tibetan Buddhism. Further, the cohesion of human rights and religion have also reached a crossroads--in Saudi Arabia, a girl who was raped and condemned by the courts to hundreds of lashes, and in Sudan, an English woman's death was called for when her students named a stuffed animal "Muhammad"--such examples show the increasingly uneasy relationship between Western standards of rights, and religiously influences reality. In the midst of such a destructive year, however, the writer sees optimism and hope for a better year...

Tone: Serious...

Application: How does religion influence you, personally?


Anonymous said...

religion can have a positive or a negative influence on you. it just depends on how you look at it. some people go all fanatical and interpret it in the most far out ways. they use it to explain why they killed someone or why they killed themselves. religion isnt supposed to influence you negatively its supposed to help you, guide you, put you on the right path towards the things you deserve.

as for me, religion has had the most positive influence on my life. ive been able to reap the benefits of it and i feel better about myself knowing that im living my life the way God wants me to.

ashley said...

this article allowed me to reflect on the hope that there is actually tolerance in the world. The zeitgeist of 2007 was however not as pleasant
:] posted by Ashley O.

Arah Broadnax said...

Hi Sal!!! Lol

Religion has a big influence on my life. I am a very religious person and my actions reflect that. I am a christian and God is the center of my life. Bein a christian I don't do or agree with certain things that others do. I feel I have to be an example to others and guide them and lead them to the right path.

Im outros bye sal!!!

Manuel said...

There is a reason why the constitution did not say God. These liars in ties we call politicians always use religion like they use the race card. "I'm all for minorities and the people." "I'm Christian." and by simply stating that, the leaders of those groups jump to their backs. The founding fathers did not intend politics to mix with religion. As for myself, no religion influences me anymore. Jesus said that the church is in him and God is not of this world, then why should I go to a building that says "church" in big letters. As long as I show my devotion to God and live my life in good, I won't need church. Besides, the religions are now so many and so alike yet different that it has come to the point where there might not even be a true religion anymore.
There is no need for intolerance either. You wouldn't have sick people slaughtered for being sick. The government doesn't inject all the prisoners. So why should a person stick to one religion, say the rest are wrong and look down upon those people who wish to believe something else or even the same in a different way. This problem is just the stupidity of the masses.

Manuel said...

What i said in over 20 lines put simply. There is no more need for religion, what we need is people to do good deeds and live the good life.

dude(raj) said...

sup dude
religion has no influence on me..although I may like some principles from various reilgions I find it pointless..it seperates people and some(extremests) kill in the name of their religion for promises of abetter salvation..

Anonymous said...

even tho it does, religion doesnt have to separate people. people of certain religions shouldnt look down on others or treat them differently. there are some extremists that kill and blame it on religion, but that shouldnt ruin it for everyone else. people have killed and blamed in on GTA and no one stopped playing.

Imolivgene said...

we cannot blame segregation and violence on relgion, even though the people that commit the crimes may do it themsleves, becasue it isn't the religion its the individual. I think religion is supposed to teach us about life. We need to start focusing on stressing the importance of excepting all people. We need to start spreading love and peace and happiness and encourage others to challenge themselves to win over their weaknesses so they are able to live more fulfilling lives and as result dont feel they have to commit violence or separate themselves from others.

inubaby said...

i think religion can affect people personality wise. it can help people morally. it makes people cautious of their actions b/c they do not wish to anger/disobey their god(s). but religion can also be used as an excuse for their behavior or actions.

the girl that smiles too much said...

Religion has an influence on me in some way but not so much that I will put someone else down for being different. Some are affected by it greatly because they judge other people as a result.

silentloudness said...

Religion can influence people in many ways, some good, some bad....in my case, religion has helped me try to become someone thats actually me, cause it may teach you that not all people are the same, and maybe having tolerance can help people. Such ways as not having so much hatred just cause of what some people may believe in. Some poeple may have some type of anger just cause they are simple minded....still, im glad to know that maybe this world isn´t gonna go under water so quickly.....nice article dude...(all the things you know i would say to you are being directec right now!!!!hahahaha¿¿¿¿)....gretting from El Salvador!!!

akela=king115 said...